Feininger, T. Lux (1910-2011)

“From Lens to Canvas: The Artistic Odyssey of T. Lux Feininger”

Born in the vibrant city of Berlin, T. Lux Feininger’s artistic journey is a tapestry of rich experiences and transformative encounters. His early artistic education was anchored at the renowned Bauhaus School in Berlin, where he was mentored by esteemed figures like László Moholy Nagy and Oskar Schlemmer. Interestingly, while the Bauhaus did not offer formal instruction in photography until 1929, Feininger’s inherent passion led him to master the craft independently. By 1927, his expertise in the field was evident when he joined the esteemed Berlin photo agency, DEPHOT. His growing prominence in the photography realm was further highlighted in 1929 when his works graced the revolutionary Film und Foto Stuttgart exhibition.

The early 1930s marked a pivotal transition for Feininger as he ventured into painting. After a transformative three-year sojourn in Paris, he set sail for New York in 1937. This move, however, came with a poignant sacrifice; he left behind a significant collection of his negatives, a treasure he never reclaimed. Although he briefly revisited photography post-World War II, it was predominantly for personal pleasure. By 1953, he bid adieu to photography, immersing himself fully into painting and pedagogy. His teaching endeavors spanned locations from New York to Cambridge, Massachusetts, before he culminated his educational contributions in 1975. Nonetheless, Feininger’s artistic spirit remains undoused, as he continues to paint and showcase his masterpieces. [Adapted from Getty Museum]

Esteemed Museum Holdings: 

  • The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX 
  • Fogg Museum, Cambridge, MA 
  • Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA

View artworks by T. Lux Feininger